Emakin 6.1

We are proud to present new features that will enhance our lives with emakin version 6.1.

Make your jobs easier and see exactly what it is you need. After that, you can customize your navigation and dashboard screens. You can also set up your menus according to your priorities and can choose a part of your process or full of them, view it your main screen according to your report filters.

Add your custom HTML here

The transfer of your file exchanges and correspondence through the same source and instant interventions make your work more organized and easier. You can add members to your group channels that you have created, and assign different authority and duties to these members. You can communicate via a single platform by one-to-one, bulk messaging or adding notes.

You can follow all the transactions made within the channel via the activity tracking screen. You can make video calls with unlimited people at the same time with the web conferencing feature, and manage your meetings digitally.

Time tracing increase your productivity. With the new version, you can monitor your processes instantly or in total, and make detailed calculations based on business, customer or subject. So, you can show your time managment process and you can make planing.

Thanks to the web hooks, you can easily integrate with 3rd party applications, you can open cases automatically after receiving mail from different mail boxes, and you can activate the process by directing the relevant people. So you can make shorer you evaluation process.

To discover much more specialties like security, GDPR masking , GUI performance improvement and meet with Emakin’s user friendly structure please contact us and try Emakin 6.1.

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